Delivery struggles : No home address?

 So our road is unmaintained, which means no one delivers out here. We would have a mailbox 2 roads away. How do I know this because our neighbors live on the road before ours. Now, I have to tell you theirs is at the end of the road before theirs. 

Plus, the fight between counties is fun too we live in one, but they told us the other issues the address lol. Seriously, we call that one and they say oh no , 911 is in your resident county, so they have too issue it lol. 

Here is where this all started, I ordered something from a company that had a horrible review, but it was the only company with the parts we needed. I cancelled the first order out fear. So then I get ahold of the company and the gentleman explained a few things for me. I reordered and it was sent out on time, but with Fedex (God help me !) Now 5 days later 

1. Package was sent to one address very easy right in town, driver could not find lol , so they took it back with them.

2. Next, the company said they were trying to find me, so I had them call me. I specifically gave them my phone number and address of my old office very easy to find. Well, no one got my info from that person.

3. I got the run around and they said it was delivered lol. So we went to look and there was a flipping tag on the door no package.

4. Called in, she swore it would be fixed today. Nothing ! I was in town half the day looking all over with a picture of where the driver said he left it. Posted it on FB and there was literally just short of a search and rescue for my package . 

5. Best part is they are closed Sunday, and Monday due to Federal Holiday. 

I love living out here and I have a residential address to use, as well as a PO box, so I covered my bases to live remote. Fedex driver is just unable to GPS, or follow directions. 

Problem is human error thats all, not where I live or how I live, so patience I will have. 

Happy news, Hammy will be coming this week! 


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